How Watching Porn Can Hurt Your Mental Health and Self-Esteem

Fight the New Drug
8 min readMay 15, 2023



Did you know that porn can hurt your mental health, including distorting people’s perceptions of sex, intimacy, body image, and sexual performance?

Research indicates that consuming porn is linked with more negative body image, lower self-esteem, and poorer mental health.[1][2]

And not only that, research is shedding light on a previously little-known fact about porn: it’s harmful to consumers’ brains. Thanks to all the research that has been done in recent years, people are finally starting to realize how toxic pornography can be.

The research on how porn affects how consumers view themself, their partner, and their relationships, in general, is becoming prevalent. When people consume porn, it not only warps their view of others, but it can also twist their view of themselves. Here’s how.

Insecurity and mental health impacts

Studies have found that when people engage in an ongoing pattern of “self-concealment,” which is when they do things they’re not proud of and keep them a secret, it can not only hurt their relationships and leave them feeling lonely but can also make them more vulnerable to mental health issues.[3][4][5]

In fact, a number of peer-reviewed studies have found a link between pornography consumption and mental health outcomes like depression,[6] anxiety,[7] loneliness,[8] lower life satisfaction,[9] and poorer self-esteem and overall mental health.[10]

These studies have found that these links are particularly strong when pornography is consumed to try to escape negative emotions and also when pornography consumption becomes heavy and compulsive.[11] According to another study performed in the United States, researchers found a significant bi-directional association between pornography and loneliness, prompting them to conclude:

“Results revealed that the association between loneliness and viewing pornography was positive and significant…those who viewed pornography were more likely to experience loneliness, and those who were experiencing loneliness were more likely to view pornography. These findings are consistent with research linking pornography use to negative affect.”[12]

Although it’s fairly common for consumers to use porn as an escape mechanism or self-soothing technique, research indicates that those who consumed pornography to avoid uncomfortable emotions had some of the lowest reports of emotional and mental wellbeing.[13] Another study examined the relationship between the frequency of online pornography consumption and mental health problems, particularly in the context of “experiential avoidance” or trying to avoid negative emotions. The study found that frequent pornography consumption was significantly related to greater depression, anxiety, and stress as well as poorer social functioning.[14]

And in yet another study, researchers at Columbia University, Yale University, and UCLA, found a link between compulsive pornography consumption and poorer mental health, low self-esteem, and poor attachment in relationships. The authors concluded,

“In this paper, we propose that pornography use has the potential to become addictive and might be conceptualized as a behavioral addiction… individuals who scored higher on the Problematic Pornography Use Scale reported poorer mental health and self-esteem, and more insecure close relationships than those who scored lower, illustrating the negative emotional correlates of problematic pornography use.”[15]

Sex can be great; comparing it to porn isn’t

But your relationship with yourself isn’t the only thing harmed by porn. Your relationship with others can be, too.

To start, dozens of studies have repeatedly shown that porn consumers tend to have lower relationship satisfaction and lower relationship quality.[16][17][18]

Porn consumers tend to experience more negative communication with their partners, feel less dedicated to their relationships, have a more difficult time making adjustments in their relationships, are less sexually satisfied, and commit more infidelity.[19] Research also shows that porn consumers tend to become less committed to their partners,[20][21] less satisfied in their relationships,[22] and more accepting of cheating.[23]

Meanwhile, partners of porn consumers also report negative effects, such as lower self-esteem, worse relationship quality, and less sexual satisfaction.[24] Research also suggests that porn consumption can undermine trust in a relationship and fuel couple conflict.[25]

Obviously, relationship problems like these are not new and are not solely caused by porn. Yet, research shows that porn can play a substantial role in fueling these issues — and that’s not something that should be ignored.[26][27][28]

Choose love, not porn.

If you have been struggling to quit an unwanted porn habit, please know that you’re not alone. It can feel really lonely and frustrating, but there is hope. While research shows that consuming porn can fuel the cycle of loneliness, research also shows that it is possible to overcome a porn habit and its negative effects.[29][30] According to one study of individuals trying to quit porn, researchers found that shame actually predicted increased pornography consumption while guilt predicted sustainable change.[31]

So if you’re trying to give up porn to improve your mental health and self-esteem, be kind to yourself and be patient with your progress. Like anything, it takes time for the brain to recover, but daily efforts make a big difference in the long run.

Need help?

For those reading this who feel they are struggling with pornography, you are not alone. Check out Fortify, a science-based recovery platform dedicated to helping you find lasting freedom from pornography. Fortify now offers a free experience for both teens and adults. Connect with others, learn about your unwanted porn habit, and track your recovery journey. There is hope — sign up today.

*Fight the New Drug may receive financial support from purchases made using affiliate links.


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  2. Koletić G. (2017). Longitudinal associations between the use of sexually explicit material and adolescents’ attitudes and behaviors: A narrative review of studies. Journal of adolescence, 57, 119–133.
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  22. Wright, P. J., Tokunaga, R. S., Kraus, A., & Klann, E. (2017). Pornography consumption and satisfaction: A meta-analysis. Human Communication Research, 43(3), 315–343. doi:
  23. Rasmussen, K. (2016). A Historical and Empirical Review of Pornography and Romantic Relationships: Implications for Family Researchers. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 8(2), 173–191. doi:
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  28. Rasmussen, K. (2016). A historical and empirical review of pornography and romantic relationships: Implications for family researchers. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 8(2), 173–191. doi:
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Fight the New Drug
Fight the New Drug

Written by Fight the New Drug

Fight the New Drug exists to provide individuals the opportunity to make an informed decision regarding pornography by raising awareness on its harmful effects.

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